Tuesday, November 29, 2011
In limbo
Tomorrow I was supposed to 'get help' but it's been cancelled. I think because I don't seem like someone who has that severe a problem it was pushed back. It's supposed to be rescheduled for early next week but I think I want to avoid it.
In the last month I've had Shane call me out on my issues and tell me to get help. I've been eating normally somewhat, and cut out the purging. I'm staying around the same weight but I'm for sure bigger around my lower half. I've started slowly going back to the gym and doing things properly.
I just don't want to anymore. I want thin. I want that next size down on jeans. I want to be the one people say is thin, not my friend who started to get healthy and drop a ton of weight (she looks awesome! Still a few pant sizes bigger than I but I don't want her to get thinner than me... how screwed up is that!?)
I don't think I want to starve as much anymore. I don't think I can physically do it. I do stupid crazy things when I do, like binge after. I think I just need to restrict, keep calories under 800 per day and slowly up the workouts to 5 per week with lots of cardio.
It's Nov 29th today.... One year ago I was 13 lbs lighter. I can't drop that in a month but I should be able to get halfway....
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I'm livid. I'm so fed up of the complete lack of understanding, or even at this point, comprehension. Do you have any idea what it's like to stare at a plate of food and know that you can not possibly eat it. Your comments (and I use the 'your' in a very lose way) do nothing but show off your inability to process or comprehend empathy, or any emotion other than your own.
I'm fed up of people (aka my boss) at work automatically assuming that every time I have a problem it's because of food. Not the people I work with don't do their own work, or take responsibility for their own actions, no it can only be because I haven't eaten (despite the fact that often I can). It's the 'have you eaten' question I get when I become frustrated.
I'm fed up of people saying all I need is a hamburger. Yeah, coz FOOD will fix the problem I have with FOOD. I'll eat the hamburger, and if I don't throw it up, I'll not eat dinner to make up for it, and maybe nothing the day after either.
Oh, wait, you see me eating chocolate. Means everything is right in the world? Nope, means I'm probably mid or beginning a binge (chocolate always starts it) and you are unfortunate to witness it, or I'm fortunate enough that you disturbed me and I can stop.
How about all the comments you (the collective 'you') make about how fat so and so is, or how gorgeous so and so looks coz they're wearing those tight pants. Then whip around and tell me that it's not size that matters. Yeah, i'm not a toothpick, I don't even consider myself skinny. I don't even think i have an eating disorder because of that, but I recognize I have issues with food.
Do you know what it's like to look in a mirror and despite losing a ton of weight last year, only seeing fat huge me looking back? What its' like to hate how you look so badly that not only do you not eat in the hopes of losing a few pounds, if you're lucky, half an inch somewhere, you exercise like mad and exclude yourself from family and friend outings/gatherings just to avoid the food issue.
No? Didn't think so. Go crawl back under the rock you were hiding under.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Thwarted by the can opener
Home, did some yoga and then decided I should have soup. Except I couldn't figure out the stinkin can opener, so no soup. I did have a whole wheat bun though, but I can't have gone over 300 cals, for the second day in a row.
I was 148.9 this morning, 148.3 before the bun and tea. I think I'll do one more weight before bed then put it away for the week again. Hopefully this week is better for loss!!!! 146 by Saturday is the goal.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
I got on the scale this morning and I'm 149.9.... my BMI is right on the cusp of being FAT.
This was supposed to help! I've scaled back my eating, skipped both breakfast and dinner almost every day and it's all for nothing.
I went to Zumba, got there late, jumped around in the back. Didn't have the energy or will to do too much more. Hit up Walmart, grabbed chocolate raisins to binge, walked out with shoes instead. Went to Sharens place to check on the cats and grab some of my stuff, hit up Starbucks for a coffee and came home.
Where I proceded to bawl my eyes out and have a nap on my bed. I finally showered at 3pm. It's now 4pm and I/ve only had half a protein shake for 55cals.
I'm lost. I'm frustrated. I don't know what to do.
I am not happy at the weight I am. I will not be happy until I get well below 140. I just can't seem to get there. I either starve (like I"m doing now) eat a tiny bit and waste calories on junk, or eat normal and gain.
I've got to go back to the gym regularly. Even if it's only Zumba for an hour it's still something.
After that I can't figure out the food part. Do I eat? Do I starve? Maybe if I just starved for this entire week, had a 'normal' day, then did the same the week after. If I saw a significant result maybe it'll kick start things.
I dont' know anymore. I'm miserable (and really cold!). I'm hungry for anything right now. Even steamed veggies but I'd have to go buy them and that could end badly.
Ugh.... I disgust myself.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
4 Days
Work has been great. HR manager was bugging me today so I spilled some beans about how my boss likes to put me down and never gives me any good feedback. Basically its killing me and he needs to stop. She promises there'll be a meeting down the line. I really hope it helps.
Supposed to go out tomorrow. Food and alcohol. I want to skip out instead.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
I did.
Day 2 without it right now.
I ate 215 calories as I'm so paranoid about what I weigh.
To him this will have backfired, to me it's the push I needed to get back down.
I have 5lbs to lose from what I was on Sunday night to what I have to be Saturday morning. If I keep up the way I've been the last 2 days I should hit it.
Just gotta stay strong and focused.
Friday, October 14, 2011
That I Would Be Good
From an Alanis song I got to listen to on my way home from work.
I got another interview for that job offer. Don't know if I'll do it yet. I love my job, hate my boss.
I managed to eat very lightly today but I'm pissed as I got home and I'm the SAME weight as I was before I left for the gym and work... bah!!!! I can only hope I"m down at least 1lb tomorrow. Can't afford anymore lame days.
I figured I'd have about 400cals but I did eat some trail mix. I'm hungry now but all I need is a tea or something. Too bad I gotta go to sleep.
Planning for another light day tomorrow and hitting up the gym.
Monday, October 10, 2011
For tomorrow I will be eating oatmeal for breakfast, rice cakes for snack, salad for lunch, cottage cheese for pre workout and then hitting the gym. Get a 2 hr workout in, apple and protein shake, home to shower and soup. I'm thinking 800 or less calories.
See if anyone notices (aka Shane...)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Day (or two) after
The car's got issues. Brakes fixed but the clutch needs replacing... Bye bye bonus.... again.
Then I go for coffee with my old old boss and she spends the entire time going on and on about a job offer she'd had that disappeared and she thinks that there's some inside issues going on, companies talking to each other... It's hard. I want to believe the best but I can't.
Then I go to meet Shane at his new gym. I go in, pay my fee and then Shane pulls me into his office. He asks me what's going on and I have no idea what he's on about. I don't even remember how he started but he goes on about my mentions of eating too much junk, then comments about wanting to throw up followed by days of super low calories. He says point blank, that it sounds like I have an eating disorder.
I almost bawled my eyes out. I didn't tell him everything by a long shot. I told him I'm not happy with me and I hate food. He's told me to start eating all my calories, to work up to 1200 calories per day and to avoid the garbage food and not have it in the house or anywhere near. He says this alone will help with the binging (anything at this point to help with the binging!).
We worked out after but I'm shaken. I don't like that he knows this much. I was hoping that I could be thinner by then. I've still got a good 25lbs to go and aiming for March to be there (about 6lbs a month.... considering I've got a goal of 8 this month I should be able to hit it). I'm going to start eating a bit more to try to curb the binges. Once that is in control I can start cutting back again and I'll deal with him as I get to that point.
Today we had Thanksgiving dinner. I ate, but certainly not as much as I did last year. I don't feel like barfing from being physically too full. Went for a walk after dinner, hoping to go for a run tomorrow ( I need more cool weather running stuffs! I only have t shirts and 3C weather is too cold!).
I hit the 1 week goal of being 150 by 1lb. Next weekend is 148 and hopefully I can be there by tuesday or wednesday. Keep ahead of the game as I know how badly this can jump up.
Thank you all for your comments :) I missed you too, and I miss PT. I haven't been back since THIN started up so I don't know who is still on there. Let them know I still think of them and I say hi. ONce I have an antivirus back (mine expired yesterday) I'll try to stop by.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Aw crap....
Today after getting my car half fixed (the other half will cost $1000 and will take much longer so I'm doing it at the end of the month when I have time and the money) and having coffee with my old boss I went to work out at Shane's new gym.
He pulls me into the office and asks how things are going. I know something is wrong. He asks me how I'm doing with food and I know he's figured it out. He wanted to know how, why, when. He said to start at the beginning which I couldn't do. He said my thoughts and behaviours are screaming eating disorder to him and I need to get help. He's told me to get someone to remove my scale, and seek a counseller. He said that I'm in a cycle. I binge therefore I starve until something snaps, and I know it'll be my health. He said I need to get to a point where I can eat 1200 calories a day, every day, which will help with the binging. I need to stay away from foods that are 'bad' for me, like chocolate, cakes etc, the stuff that I binge upon.
I cry.
He's nice about the whole thing, which makes it worse. I don't know if he feels bad or responsible which would make me feel horrible. I told him I do it as I want to be skinny, that I still feel fat, that I don't see what I've done and accomplised in the last year, the difference in weight.
We still worked out, we went to his place after. He fed my crackers, knowing that I'd only eaten oatmeal all day.
I did have dinner with my dad, we went to an Ethiopian place that I love.
I'm 149.0 this morning, up from 148.2 this morning. Still on track and ahead of schedule.
I still plan on dropping the pounds. I need to hit the gym more, like he said 2 times from mon to fri and once on the weekend. I can run/ride the other days until the weather gets bad, then hook up my windtrainer (I clip my old roadbike to it and its like a stationary bike, but my bike and no fancy gadgets). I need to, as he states, control the binging. I can't be around chocolate but I must allow myself the carbs and natural sugars on occasion.
Will I hit 1200 calories? No. Maybe one day a week, I'll call it my higher day. I used to do it all the time as it was my saturday night when i delivered pizza and had one personal pizza that night. I always dropped that weight and more by Monday.
I need to get in control of it. I'm not anymore. I have no boundaries, no rules. It's just binge and attempt to restrict, watching a number on the scale.
I don't want to disappoint him, but I must lose the fat first.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Slow Start
I'm down to 149 this morning which is ahead of the 2lbs/week goal I set myself. However, I feel fatter. I've been neglecting my workouts and it's probably muscle mass I'm losing.
I need to find my focus again, my constant pre-occupation with not eating much compared to my constant thoughts of food I can not eat. I wouldn't have dreamed of eating chocolate this time last year! It needs to go away! The occasional bread/muffin will be allowed for the metabolism boost thing but that's about it.
Tomorrow and Friday are no chocolate days. Saturday will be permitted.
Going home after donating more time to work tomorrow. Home as in the 2 hr drive south, hopefully it won't snow (we had a forcast today, but it didn't so far!). Gotta go get the stupid car fixed.
I'm so exhausted. So tired.
Thanks for your comments :) I need the motivation :)
Friday, September 30, 2011
An unplanned vacation? Life changing experiences? One crazy twist and turn after another on the emotional rollercoaster that is life?
I managed to open the store. I almost quit my job twice, I've moved and made other changes in my life, but still I am not happy with who I am physically. I attempted to starve my way into nothing, which caused the first instance of me trying to quit my job. I also didn't drop very low at all. I've eaten tons of garbage food this past week and planning on getting back 'on track' tomorrow.
October 1st.
I will be 15lbs lighter from tomorrow morning by Dec 31st. Screw the gaining muscle, I want skinny. I'll get lean later.
Obviously, I'm hoping I'm 150 tomorrow, but I doubt it, given the way I have eaten today. I would like to see sub 140 by Christmas. I did it last year after much starving.... I can do it again.
To still eat. When I don't things get stupid.
To have one cheat per week. Not go crazy, just one cheat.
Cut back on carbs, keep protein up but not high.
Add back in the salads.
No problems with soup.
No drinking calories
Goal number one: 145 by October 31st. (will be revised if I hit that early)
Tomorrow will take measurements.
Will use my fitnesspal to log EVERYTHING eaten.
Stay under 1000 cals unless it's a cheat.
One day under 500 cals.
2 L water per day.
Weights at least twice a week, cardio at least 5 times a week (weather dependant.... it's gonna get nasty soon!). Eat more on days I workout.
Sound good?
Oh how I missed this.
I will be skinny.
I will be thinner.
I will be able to have control over myself.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I'm still employed!
Monday, August 8, 2011
I think it's fixed?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Where to begin?
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
First time!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I dunno
Monday, July 25, 2011
Getting easier
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Cheat day
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I have the plan...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Turn of events?
Yup, that's a funnel cloud on the left. What a beauty!!! Hard to believe this was around 7pm. It poured, it hailed, thunder and lightning. I ended up pulling over as the visibility was shit and the roads were starting to flood. Still got a severe storm watch hanging over us despite the clear skies. Humidity is super high and you never know what will blow up overnight. What happens when you go from 30-15C in an hour.
Golfing sucked. I hated it. Photos are terrible, I look massive. Stupid giant legs. Group ended up being split up so I felt left out again. But whatever. I was in my element later despite being snubbed continually. Fuck 'em all. I'm going to prove that I can do this, that I am the best despite the shit I have to deal with.
Watching Gilmore Girls (again ) and it's the best episode, the one where Luke and Loralai kiss <3
Monday, July 18, 2011
Ah, Monday
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Last Lazy Day
Saturday, July 16, 2011
First Saturday....
Friday, July 15, 2011
Day one!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand BINGE!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
We went to the local park and had a training session outdoors. First time I've ever hung from the monkey bars by me knees before! It wasn't too much hard work, mighty warm though. After we sat on the grass and hung out for a bit. Saying goodbye outside of his place I got another of his awesome hugs. Most of the time I get a hug that's a half hug from a guy, one of those 'friend' slap you on the back kind of hugs, but Shane's hugs are epic. It's the full on hug, my head on his chest, both arms around my back, mine around his. No back slapping involved. Yes, I'm over detailing this as it's one of the very few times that I ever receive a proper hug from someone I don't mind it from. Anyways, we stood outside and chatted for a bit then I finally said I had to bail as I was meeting someone else. He stuck his hand out behind him and i grabbed it. It was just a wierd moment, but cool all the same.
Raced home, showered, and headed out to meet a new friend. She's a bodybuilder, competed last week and is competing again in another weekend, also uses the same trainer as I. We sat, we chatted, we drank coffee. She's in incredible shape. I would love to look like that. It takes some serious work, a super strict diet but damn it would be worth it.
Sunday morning, got up, prepped the food, and hit my friends house. We loaded up the car and off we went. Started off by almost fighting over McDonalds breakfast. I didn't want it, she did. I ended up eating A&W lunch instead. And that began the destruction.
I ate all night, fresh food and shit food. In the morning I managed a 10 minute run. My friend wasn't too happy. I didn't want to drink, smoke etc. I just am not that person anymore. We figured it out enough to go horseback riding and got to see an eagle fight a hawk over prey. We had a fantastic time.
Tuesday we headed home and got ink along the way. All this weekend I've been contemplating the bbing thing. I mean, it's hard core exercise. It's a VERY strict diet. I certainly wouldn't go for the most musclar category, more like bikini or fitness, and they only look like that until their dark spray tan washes off, have a drink of water (they dehydrate for a day or so before), and they eat a real meal. It's nutritional hell from what I hear. I want to do it. I want to try it. Maybe, just maybe I can be comfortable with my body. Maybe this will help?
Today I hung out at home, laundry etc until about 3pm before heading into work. I'm still bitter. I"m still pissed, I will just hide it and use it to fuel me as there won't be calories fueling me, or not that many.
Hit the gym, double class. It was awesome, got a nice sweat worked up. The instructor is one of the few people I've told in my life that I want to try bbing (Shane, the new friend I made on Saturday and my parents being the others), and she's also one of the even more exclusive members of the group that knows about my food issues. She let me know she's got someone in mind to train me but I wasn't able to talk to her much more after that.
I dunno. Part of me is horrified at finding a new trainer as it feels disloyal, however, I will need someone. I also got a message from my old trainer today and I feel like he's giving up on his new gym. He could be having one of his moods though, I can't tell from 2hrs drive away.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Fuckin Perfect
Monday, July 4, 2011
Back to me
I ate more than I wanted to. Half the oatmeal, then for lunch one of the gals ordered from BP's. I did the whole 'I can't afford it' and she said not to worry. I got the spinach salad as per usual (about 400 cals?) and half the piece of garlic bread. I also ate about half a bag of cheep chocolate covered raisins and a bunch of gummy candy.
But, after I got home and saw 149 on the scale I decided to eat nothing for dinner. I resisted rice cakes, peanut butter and other treats. I had tea, and a low cal hot chocolate. Yay for me!
I'm watching Gilmore Girls. I love that show. Rory isn't my fave, Loralai is. I love her and Luke. Damn I'm such a sap. Issue is there's a LOT of food in this show! They're always bloody eating junk!
Tomorrow I'm back with most of my team. We'll have to see how that goes. Half an oatmeal for breaky, tea for the road. Starbucks and more coffee for lunch, salad and yogurt for pre gym snack. If I go to the gym I can have dinner of veggies. If I don't go, nothing again.