Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I went to bed with a slightly sore throat. I woke up a little dazed. By the time it hit 9am I knew I was sick. I was shaking, shivering. My skin hurt, my muscles hurt, my joints hurt, my back and neck hurt. I ate lunch with one of the GM's of another store. We've been trying to do this for months but I felt so horrible. I ended up going home around 4pm. I got home, and despite the fact it's 29C outside, I curled up in my bed with my down duvet and shivered myself to sleep.

Woke up before 9pm, popped a few dayquil and had a mini binge. I ate half a yogurt I stuffed in the freezer, 2 45cal rice cakes, a bunch of tiny liccorice, 2 Turtles chocolates, and some canteloupe. Desptie that I'm down to 146.5 as of right now, considering I was thrilled with 148.5 this morning, it's not too bad.

Tomorrow will depend on how I feel. It's going to be a very long day to begin with and I will need some energy. I may have eggs for breaky instead of oatmeal. I want some trail mix from stupidstore but not sure if I should. There may be a starbucks coffee in there too. One of the gals from work wants a milkshake and if my throat is still burning tomorrow I may go for it too. Just have half. Then soup for dinner and the event I will not eat anything, just take photos.

Or I may not eat anything. We'll see what happens.

I'm out of the gym for a few days now. I can't go tomorrow, I'm too weak from being sick. I'd make myself worse. I don't have time thursday or friday. Saturday I'm headng to the mountains for a bike ride and Sunday I'll try to run. Back on Monday? Hopefully schedules work out.

Wander: I went onto PT but I cant' for the life of me find you on there :( That or I'm still confuddled which is highly possible.

1 comment:

All.That.Wander.Are.Not.Lost said...

aw I hope you get to feeling better:(
your mini binge isn't bad at all, I wouldn't even consider it a binge at all.
whenever I'm sick I ALWAYS eat like shit.

I found you on PT & sent you my info :) ttyl dear.