Friday, May 13, 2011


Last day at this store... Yeah, this is getting CRAZY.

Lets call my old store A... I was there for years. I moved to a new city to cover a sick manager in store B. I was there for January. In Feb I went to another store (all same city now), we'll call it store C, where I was there for another month. At the end of Feb I went to store C! I was there for a week before I tok 3 weeks vacation to pack up my house and move it to this new city. I went back to store C for almsot 2 weeks before being sent back to store B coz that manager was sick again....

Yeah, crazy shit.

Goal was always to get Store Z. Its the new one, it's still being built. I got that promotion yesterday. However, I will be going to Store D on Monday as I will need to run a smaller store, train the new manager there and get ready for my new store.


So today was the last day at store B. I hated store B when I got there. There were a few people that I got along with well, but mostly I was plain miserable. I also put on a ton of weight there. (as in 10lbs....)

An hour before I'm off they drag me into the lunch room and give me cake. They've all given me huge congrats on getting the new store and now a cake to say thank you and goodbye. I almost cried.

I couldn't help but wonder why a store that I've been at for a total of 7 weeks got me a cake, but the storeI poured my heart and soul into for 3.5 years didn't give me so much as a goodbye and a handshake... well I know why. The GM is an asshole.

But thats done now.

Besides that cake, I ate 2 pieces of cake from Starbucks and an insane amount of candy. I need to stop eating!!!! I was 145.5 this morning. I actually hit 143 thursday after my run. I'm 148 now.

I'm going home tomorrow. My friend and ex trainer has invited me to crash at his place for Saturday night. I'm hoping to get up early, go for a run, shower, and hit the road. Get to home, get an oil chane, go for a massage and then meet him at the gym. Then, who knows.... I'm not taking the computer so no update tomorrow.

I'm hoping for 146 by mornin.... I haven't gone to the bathroom in almost 2 days so thats not helping (TMI.. I'm sorry but it is what it is...) I've done farily well on curbing craves later today, but failed this morning. I have to continue the strenght tomorrow.

Oh, I found the PERECT jeans at The Gap. They're $90. I am SO buying a pair. I even fit into a 30 pants!!!!

I will be buying a pair. I will be buying a size 28. I need to drop the weight......

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