Saturday, May 7, 2011


I didn't want Friday to come. It means tomrrow is Saturday.

I was 147.8lbs this morning. I'm 149.0 now, before I ate 4 cookies. I ate way too much today. I'm going to eat way too much tomorrow. I'm hoping to get around the sandwiches, maybe with some soup and a banana? I need to do everything I can to avoid taking laxatives. I want to. I keep thinking that it will really help after tomorrow.

But I can't.

I will eat tomorrow with my friend and her family but I will do everything I can to keep it under control. Then I'll fast. All tomorrow night, and all day Sunday. I want to go for a run tomorrow morning, then go for a long walk Sunday afternoon if the weather isn't too bad.

I need to be 147 max by Monday morning.

Fuck I hate being fat.

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