Sunday, May 8, 2011


I ate too much again today.

This is fucking ridiculous.

I mean, I had my tea. After Church I finished it of. Then I had a brownie. Then a piece of cake. I was being proud of myself for not eating half a sandwhich. Instead lets have another piece of cake. Oh, wait, I have $3.75. How about I buy some cupcakes, cinnamon bun and them stuff them in my mouth on the drive home.

Wait, there's more.

How about I then eat a bunch of cookies and a Lindt bunny's ears. Then try and purge it.

Did I mention I practically licked the icing off the inside of the bag the cupcakes were in?

I cleaned. I moved the couch and cleaned behind. Maybe I burne 50 calories. I organized my room. Maybe another 25cals? I spent about 15 min over a toilet trying desperatly to purge some more.

Icing is just as sweet coming up as it was going down.

I then went for a walk. A nice long almost 2hr walk. Only the first few minutes was uphill, after that it was flat. There was a breeze, then rain, and while walking on the flats with a few trees for company, a few loud claps of thunder. I got a bit damp from the rain, maybe burned another 100 calories?

Hit a grocery store. Managed some self control. I just kept promising myself the rest of that damn bunny.

Home and all I can think of is more food. The soup came out. Then so did the cookies and chocolate.


I've gained again this week.

My sister weighs 143. I have to beat that. I wanted to go home this weekend and have my ex-trainer notice the amount of weight I've lost. Instead he will see a boat. Maybe I won't go home this weekend.

I'm relieved tomorrow is Monday.

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