Wednesday, May 11, 2011


At least that is what I thought at first. Now I'm not too sure. I'm not sure if he split with his GF and that's what's causing issues (she's no longer on his FB page as his GF?) but be basically deleted everything and hasn't responded to my message. However, he was paying games about 4 hours after he deleted everything.

I dunno. I was pissed at him earlier, but now I'm calming down a bit. If he answers, I'll go home. If he doesn't I'll shoot him a text and if he doesn't answer that then fuck him.

I'm tired. I left halfway through Zumba, my damn leg just hurt and I wasn't in the mood. I ended up binging on chocolate while stuck in traffic. Couldn't get most of it out, but once I ate my soup that kinda helped.

The lady I'm living with is annoying. Do I want her to wake me up tomorrow? Am I leaving for home on Friday or Saturday? Oh, Saturday? Yeah, that's better. How the fuck would she know? She's not my damn mother, and I think she's trying to take on that role. I will probably snap at her at some point, that or I need to get it across to her in a nice way....

Fuck. I'm just damn tired. and I may just go to bed.

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