Sunday, May 22, 2011


I woke up late. As in 11am late. I woke up a few times before, just chose to return to slumber instead of pounding pavement.

We started moving and cleaning. I managed until 530 to not eat then she suggested we go for dinner. Boston Pizza was my pick as they have an awesome spinach salad. I figured one starter salad I'd be ok.

One order of garlic twist bread and an entre salad later... oh wait, I forgot to add the handfuls of liccorice allsorts, chocolate caramel balls and chocolate bridge mix that I ate after. So much for my fast day.

So I'm back up to whale status right now. I'm also very thirsty. I'm hoping most of this will digest over night.

Tomorrow I will have a fast day. Tea before church, coffee after. Water once home then I'm going out for a nice long walk. I'll leave around 3 and go for 2+ hours, lie about having dinner, and have tea/juice instead. Hoping I can go until monday around noon before eating.

I'm also avoiding/ignoring facebook right now. Last post was the FOD video followed by Geek Stink Breath. Both very appropriate, especially the lines:

I'm on a mission,

I've made my decision,

On the path of self-destruction.

Yeah, he's talking about meth abuse, but it could be anything.

See if anyone even notices I'm not posting on FB.

Weigh in/measurements on Monday. 3 weeks till I"m back home. 3 weeks to drop 10lbs.

Time to starve it off!

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