Monday, May 30, 2011


Today wasn't a great Monday, at least at first.

I got up at 9:45 instead of the 8am I was planning on and I STILL felt tired!!! Dragged my ass into the shower, weighed myself and got the only good news of the day. 143.5. I didn't fuck it up that bad. That's a 2.5lbs loss this past week. I'm happy with that. Theoretically that means I should be able to hit 141.0 by next monday...

I made my eggs and salsa, and then everything started going wrong. I couldn't find my make up anywhere. It was at my friends, where I'd been yesterday. On the other side of the city. So, leaving the house late already, I made the journey down there to pick it up (getting my pee sticks along the way. Only $7 thank fuck.) Got to work 1.5hrs late, sad considering I don't work today.

Tested and I'm not in ketosis yet (didn't think I would be. Waaaay too much sugar yesterday). Did the meeting stuff and bailed. Went to get the dishwasher kit she's been nagging about, and hit the gym.

Did 18 min on the bike before doing a leg day. Went light on the weights as my poor tibia might not take too much. I'm probably pushing more than I should anyways (at least that's what I get told.) but it only complained doing the standing leg press. I did go up to 180lbs on that though so maybe I was pushing it a bit too much. 1 hr of weights and then 1 hr of Zumba. Managed 2.3hrs at the gym, not too bad.

Tomorrow I work till 5pm and it will take me an hour to get to the gym. I may go for a run, I may go to the gym. Haven't quite decided yet. See how the old legs feel. I'm going on Wednesday and Thursday, Friday I may try for the Zumba for Breast Cancer and go dance for an hour or so. Saturday I don't know... maybe a run if I can squeeze one in? Same with Sunday?

I forgot to get groceries today so I have no salad for my salad, only half a serving of cottage cheese and low on milk for tea. I thought about going out and buying a salad premade but that could be a terrible fail. Think I'll just take the cottage cheese with cucumber and tomato, a pack of frozen steamer veggies, my sardines and maybe 2 yogurts and a tea in case. I may take a pepsi max also.

Gotta go to bed. Being late not an option for tomorrow. Have to set everything up and be perfect in the morning.


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