Sunday, April 17, 2011


Busy day, and lots of food. I was 147 or something this morning, I was 151 after dinner and then I ate more. I also took 2 laxatives around 8pm. If they have the same effect as Friday/Saturday I'm good.

Tomorrow is back to work, back to eating like a robot, and the gym. Hopefully the laxative will help me resist as much food as possible. I'll still have my salad etc during the day, but hoping to just get by with steamed veggies for dinner.

Easter is in a week. I'm quite terrified. There'll be lots of food and I can't trust myself. I'll have to remember what it was like at Christmas as I was so good then and dropped nice and low right after. If I can get to 145 by the weekend, and then 142 by the following weekend.

Ugh, yet another month going down the tube.

Going to watch some of Black Swan and when the laundry is done going to bed... Bring on the cardio tomorrow!!!!

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