Saturday, June 18, 2011


I'm ditching the low carb thing. I need to focus just on my eating.

In the last few weeks I have binged every other day, or every day. I go to the bulk sections and buy chocolate. I eat M&M's at work, I go home and eat cookies and more chocolate. Then I try to purge it and while I've definatly improved in the purging department, it's not a way to lose weight.

So here's the new plan to get back to eating healthily (as in healthy food, still lower cal)

I will eat some form of breakfast at least 5 days a week. An oatmeal, yogurt, eggs. Anything other than just a cup of tea.

Pre lunch snacks are allowed. Must be under 50 cals and only one. Yogurt, rice cake, fatfree (5cal) jello, fruit.

Lunch at work will be salad and a form of protein. Tuna etc. Combined no more than 150 cals.

Mid afternoon snack is either a yogurt or rice cake (but only if no pre lunch snack).

Pre workout food is a form of protein. Currently cottage cheese with cucumber and tomato mixed in. Averages around 120 cals. Only on gym days. If I'm running/biking/skipping the gym this doesn't happen.

Dinner is not to be eaten in my car. At home. Soup, veggies, one of the 230cal chicken wraps I bought today. May be skipped if I'm not hungry.

Supper... if I requrie a snack, chips and salsa, but no more than 10, or a rice cake. Also permissibe is one piece of dark chocolate and a light spread of pb on it.

Drinks... tea for the morning, coffee mid morning. Water, Pepsi Max, Crystal Lite, green tea all throughout the day, vitamin water, max one per day.

The aim is to have under 800 cals per day. There is no minimum.

For workouts, gym on monday and wednesday where able to. Saturday and Sunday, one day or both do something outside, bike, run... etc. Try for one to two additional strength training sessions at the gym.

As always, no junk food (which oddly enough is easy to follow. I just go nuts for chocolate and sugar). Fruit is allowed, but in moderation so to control sugars.

Aim for 2lbs loss per week, but more is of course welcommed. Problem I'm having is in a week I'm bouncing around 6lbs or so. Not sustainable. I need this to come off slower without starving myself until I get to the point where all I have is that option after tapering off food. If I just do it all in one go now I'll binge, purge, and get no where.

Continue with measurements every month. Next set up on Monday (which I'm sure will be a gain)

Stop purging and using laxatives. I'm horrified at the bruises on my arms and hips from grabbing myself while purging.

No eating after 9pm. If I workout until 9pm I may have a LIGHT snack when I get home. Cup a Soup or steamed veggies, nothing hardcore.

I want 145 by the end of June, 2 weeks away. I want 138 by the end of July, and 135 max by the time I open my store mid August.

Tomorrows plan:

Up around 9am, shower, eat. Either eggs or oatmeal (I think I want eggs....) Tea and take tea with me. May meet up with parents but not for a meal, late lunch. Will eat salad and yogurt for lunch but no tuna. For dinner, have a burrito early and veggies later. If it's still pissing it down, maybe a run (it really is pouring. It hasnt stopped for very long for over a week and there's no way I can go on the trails, bike or otherwise). For sure a run if it's not raining. Maybe hit the storage unit and get a box or two? Organize my closet? Maybe should do that first.

Tomorrow I'm hoping for under 150.....

Start over again.

1 comment:

kes said...

Since chocolate and sugary things are your weakness you need to find ways to get your chocolate/sugar fix without so many calories. Chocolate covered fruit (strawberries would be a good one, banana not so much because it's higher in calories) or pretzels. I think there are little chocolate rice cake things you can buy. You can put some cocoa powder in your oatmeal in the morning and get your chocolate fix that way.