Sunday, June 5, 2011

What can I say

That hasn't been said already?

Another weekend, another chance to fuck it all up.

If this mornings weight gain wasn't enough, tomorrows' better be! Fuck.... 4 pancakes, 4 sausages, pizza, mac and cheese, chicken wings, mike & ikes, cookies....

I did purge a few times, but not enough. I feel like I'm 6 months pregnant.

I can't believe I've gained 10lbs in 3 days.

However, I've got no more dinners, lunches, brunches or breakfasts planned anytime soon (there's the ACW brunch next week but my friend isn't going and no one formally invited me.... You have to pay in advance and I don't know where it is so oh well....). Besides, I can't use those as excuses. Those types of events will happen year round and I will have to deal with/avoid them.

Tomorrow I weigh in, weekly again, and will probably have gained 5lbs meaning I have 10 now to lose. Back on low carb and I have to be in ketosis by Wednesday so no room for fuck ups. Heading home on Saturday so I expect to have lost all this weight from the weekend. I need to be back to where I was.

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